Sunday, 15 December 2019


Indicates that the device is already opened and cannot be re-opened. The first byte of each report buffer contains the report ID. This does not imply that a device is available for use. Once registered, the application will receive device arrival and removal notifications for HID devices. Library Returns Codes Each library function returns a BYTE return code to indicate that the function returned successfully or to describe an error. slabhiddevice dll

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Simplicity Studio Forum

To use the library functions in more than one thread, the user should do the following: This function receives an HID input report from the host to the device over the control endpoint.

I know that I should probably be including the source files when I run up the project in VS but was sort of hoping that I could just get the dll installed in Windows via the usual methods - I don't need to worry about deployment to other systems, I just need to have a look at an aspect of the code for someone which means that I need to be able to open the project, change the code and debug it.

This value ranges from 0 to A return value of zero indicates that the specified device cannot be found. Why are you trying to register the dll? Am scheduled to have another look at this over the next day or so.

Interface Forum

This function returns slabhiddevjce maximum number of input reports that can be queued in the HID driver. Allow for sufficient write timeouts to make sure that an output report can be transmitted successfully. NET, and Visual C. Call GetLastError to retrieve the system error code. The first byte specifies the report ID.

Not when it just exports some functions. This function sends an HID input report from the host to the device over the control endpoint. A non-zero value specifies the maximum size of the HID driver input report queue in number of reports. Tables 5 through 9 dlo five common access models and the expected behavior: If you just manually copy it there, doing a Rebuild will delete it.


This function sends an Slabhiddevicf output report from the host to the device over the interrupt endpoint. The first byte of each report buffer contains the report ID. Silicon Laboratories makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Silicon Laboratories assume any liability arising out of the application or dlk of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages.

Failure to do so will result in an inaccessible device until the thread releases access to the device handle.

For Windows XP and later, this function returns up to The default get report and set report timeouts slabhiddevjce both ms. See accompanying example code for information on how to implement surprise removal and device arrival. Indicates that the device must be opened prior to calling the function.

slabhiddevice dll

Indicates that a get or set report function returned due to a timeout. Is there some software that I can download from your site that will handle putting the dll on my system? It is very common to list all connected devices by serial string.

Where can I get an installer for ?

This function cannot be called before a slabhiddevide is opened. You can just call into it from any Windows system since it uses the standard HID driver.

slabhiddevice dll

If a function is being called in one thread, the user must prevent another thread from calling any function until the first function returns. Each input slahiddevice returned in buffer is stored on boundaries set by the maximum input report buffer size. Opens a device using a device index and returns a device object pointer which will be used for subsequent access. This function closes the currently-open device.

I'm unable to compile or build the software in debug, Visual Studio needs slabhiddeivce dll to be installed.

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